For just $2, you can buy us one square foot of land to improve the lives of our rescued animals…and a generous patron will pay for the 2nd square foot!

We have always been a sanctuary of the regular folks, like us. We talk about winning the lottery, what we’d do with a million dollars to save all the animals we possibly could, but our real win is that a huge crowd of people like us, who don’t have millions to give away and probably never will, can all come together and with just a couple of dollars each, we can make miracles happen, all together.

I’ve had so many people apologize that they couldn’t give more and WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH because we are right there with you. If you have $2, you can buy a piece of magic for us. If you don’t, send us your kind words, your likes and shares. We don’t have to be moguls to make a mountain of good things happen for our beloved animal friends.

We have lots of ways to buy your own square foot of paradise!

Venmo: @brokenshovels

Or go to our GO FUND ME


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