Dink Asks For Donations of Towels, Blankets, Sheets, etc!

With the extreme weather and air quality warnings making the outdoor world unsafe for our special needs animals, we are desperate for your unneeded linens!

If you’re late on spring cleaning and need to clear out used, clean towels, blankets, sheets, rugs, or comforters (no pillows please!) you can drop them off on the wooden spool near the red gate anytime! If you’re bringing too many to fit the spool, just put them outside the gate right next to it. Then everyone stays clean and cozy here ♥️

Dink was dumped in the wild and rescued off the streets, which boggles our minds because he is the cutest, sweetest, funniest rooster ever. But we quickly noticed he was often out of breath and had a purple-ish color to his comb. Our vet found he is in congestive heart failure, but with meds and therapeutic phlebotomy when needed, he thrives and lives an extraordinary life in our on-site hospital taking care of our special needs hens. But when it’s too hot or too cold, Dink needs to stay indoors…and he isn’t potty trained.

Fun fact: Dink got to meet Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian recently on the Blink 182 tour. He brought his favorite wife, Heather and we thought it was pretty cool. Heather and Dink weren’t so sure why, though. Neither person had any treats to share. 🤷‍♀️

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